Sunday, March 1, 2009

Watch Out Michael Phelps

Watch out Michael Phelps, here comes the Jolley brothers. We're so glad that Andrew and Jonny have each other and they are typical brothers. They really do love each other. Jonny is a great little sharer as whenever Jonny wants a treat or something else he'll always get two so he has one to give to Andrew. They can be the best of pals when they want and give each other hugs. Here's hoping they stay that way as they grow up.


Zoey said...

What CUTE boys you have there! Dawson wouldn't let me say cute, handsome, or anything like that. He would let me say how 'spectacular' he looks though!

Ramsey said...

I think that is one of the greatest blessings we can have, when our kids get along so well!